When a temporary auto call worker rescues an interior designer by talking with her to calm her down the two believe that they should explore the spark they felt during the call, however due to a series of serendipitous moments they both somehow manage to miss each other! The question is... Will fate finally bring them together or will destiny continue pulling them apart?
喜剧抱抱团全员出道 嗨唱专属拥抱神曲喜剧大咖返璞归真喜剧电影《大赢家》定档2月21日喜剧电影《沐浴之王》发布;手艺惊人终极预告及海报,该片由易小星执导,彭昱畅、乔杉领衔主演,卜冠今、苇青主演,金世佳友情出演